Volatile /vɒlətaɪl/

The following morning it is a dictionary that comes to remind me about my communication failure.
With a word: an adjective, volatile.
I should in fact give most credit to my friend Roy_the Highlander who first came to identify me with that term, which in English differs quite a bit from the limited Italian usage of the word, as far as I believe to know.
Because, I mean, I wish I was volatile in the Italian meaning of the word: i.e. a bit lighter, less concerned and preoccupied about the final results, about reaching my goals.

Let us compare the two.

(ITA) Volatile

s.m.(ZOOL). Denominazione generica di animali atti al volo, per lo più uccelli.

  1. agg. Atto al volo.

  2. agg. (CHIM).Di sostanza che tende a vaporizzare con facilità: acidi v.

(EN) Volatile

evaporating rapidly; passing off quickly in the form of vapor: “Acetone is a volatile solvent.”

  1. tending or threatening to break out into open violence;
    explosive: a volatile political situation.

  2. having or likely to have or exhibit sharp or sudden changes;
    unstable: a volatile stock market.

  3. changeable, as in mood or temper: a volatile personality.

I mean, let’s talk about it.
Facciamoci due domande.

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